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 Professional Learning

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Please find a list of relevant opportunities to upskill and train in comprehensive RSE. The majority of training is for teachers and relevant educators, however a number of organisations also offer development for health professionals, counsellors and other relevant disciplines.

RSE Project - WA

The RSE Project provides a wide variety of professional development opportunities to anyone working in Western Australian schools. This includes two-day workshops, after-school seminars, webinars, symposiums and tertiary education units. We cover a broad range of topics, all related to relationships and sexuality education (RSE).


In Your Skin (SA and Online for all)

inyourskin® have developed unique professional development workshops designed to improve the knowledge and confidence of teaching staff, school counsellors, youth and community service workers, and allied health professionals.

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True - QLD

Relationship Ready is a package available free for school communities, including teachers, staff and parents/carers and is designed to empower teachers to deliver quality, comprehensive relationship and sexuality education (RSE) in their school community and to address the unique barriers to delivery.


Family Planning Australia - NSW

Our courses provide up-to-date, practical information to help in you in your role. The courses and workshops are delivered by Family Planning Australia expert educators and specialist guest presenters.


Let's Talk about X - Online (Australia Wide)

We support schools, parents and workplaces with training and resources to help them foster a culture of consent and LGBTIQA+ inclusion. 


We offer a range of Professional Learning seminars to equip those working in schools with the knowledge and strategies to create a safer, more consensual, more inclusive environment.

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Sexuality education matters : preparing pre-service teachers to teach sexuality education (Online Resource)

Matters is designed to support pre-service teacher education programs to prepare students to teach sexuality education in primary and secondary schools.

Image by John Schnobrich

Sexual Health Victoria - VIC

We offer a range of certificate and non-certificate courses, and are proud to be the leading provider of reproductive and sexual health education and training in Victoria.


Sexual Health Quarters - WA

In addition to clinic and counselling services, SHQ provides a range of community education & professional development training to build workforce, organisational and community capacity to promote sexual health and respectful relationships, including a whole-school approach to respectful relationships, consent and sexuality education


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We provide training and education for doctors, nurses and midwives, educators, youth and community services sector workers and more.


Relationships and Sexuality Education Credentials - Online (Australia-wide)

This essentials course is suitable for anyone who works in school or community settings. From the novice educator through to someone who might want a refresher, We will provide you with contemporary and fundamental information related to RSE delivery, with a particular focus on the Australian context.


Esafety Education - Professional Learning - Online (Australia-wide)

eSafety's professional learning covers the latest online safety research, case studies and teaching strategies. It aims to support educators and those who work with young people to integrate online safety into their programs and student wellbeing planning.

Image by Sigmund

Check + Chat

Consent, sexuality and wellbeing psychoeducation and counselling for people with disabilities
If you’re a school teacher, allied health worker, community worker or someone who works with young people, we can provide group and one-on-one consent training and coaching.

*This page is designed to showcase programs across Australia, however Bloom-Ed cannot personally endorse any individual program.

Please use your own professional judgement when using or engaging external providers.

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