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Australian National Curriculum Review

Image by kyo azuma

Proposed revisions have been made to Australia’s National Curriculum for primary and secondary school students.

The public consultation process has recently closed. 

Feedback is being collected via email or an online survey. Both both individuals and groups are welcome to make a submission. You do not currently need to work in a school to be eligible.

A dedicated website has been set up to explain the review process in detail. Please click on this link for more information and to start your submission. You will need to scroll to the bottom of their page and select “click to start your survey” or "email submissions and comments". 

Bloom-ED has examined all the proposed revisions, with a particular focus on how relationships and sexuality education (RSE) concepts may or may not have been addressed. You may wish to consider these points when you make your submission.  You can learn more about Bloom-ED here.

Bloom-ED would encourage you to provide feedback regarding: 

  • General Capabilities: Personal and Social Capability 

  • Learning Area: Health and Physical Education 

  • Learning Area: Science 

  • Any other learning area where you feel qualified to comment.

If you wish to see the survey questions ahead of time, click here. It is possible to save your progress when completing a survey and then return to it later. However, once submitted your comments cannot be changed. Alternatively you may wish to your provide your feedback via email. 

Please click on the links below to access our various help sheets...

Help Sheets

General Capability: Personal and Social Capability

Health and Physical Education


Points to consider in general email submissions

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